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Monday, November 30, 2009


I just signed up for a delicious account. I posted some links to a lot of biology websites, as well as some of my favorite websites ( and pandora radio). Add me to your delicious account! My user name is kelliedean


  1. Hi Kellie! Thanks for joining the program. It's been so fun to see what people post and how they'll use some of this technology. I will add you to my Delicious network!
    I did want to point out something sort of annoying about labeling posts in Blogger- you have to separate each keyword with a comma, otherwise Blogger thinks your label is "science delicious websites" as opposed to "science", "delicious", "websites" as 3 separate labels. It's frustrating that it's different from how Delicious handles tags!

  2. These comments are helpful as I'm trying to navigate through this!
