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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thing 3

My latest thing = diigo. I think it's more useful for a teacher than for a student. I may recommend students use it if they have to research something from multiple sites, but I don't know that it is worth the trouble it would be to have them download the tool bar and teach them. I suppose it would cut down on wasted printing, where students print out loads of information to then highlight three things. If they could just annotate it on the computer and save that, maybe they wouldn't print it. I like it to remind myself why I though the article or site was cool. It's cool that you can share it too. I may use it to share a book list or review with my book club, or to send an article to a friend or colleague. I'm hesitant to try it with students though. Maybe I would put links of my annotations up for students to see?

Here is a link to one of the pages I annotated:

1 comment:

  1. I love the website you annotated-- Oprah! I agree with your comment about having students use Diigo. It would be a pain having to download the tool bars, etc., but I think if you were teaching some kind of research class or something it could be pretty cool. Thanks for posting!
